Chakra balancing with a unique Sound & Light experience

A session to reharmonize the energy flow through your chakras.

I typically start my sessions with grounding exercices using breath and slow body movements. After that, you will have the opportunity to dive into a more passive meditative state where your all body will receive sound healing frequencies from my crystal bowls.

Early 2023, following my inner calling and synchronicities showing up on the way, I started to mix my creations with crystals, sounds and meditation practices.
It is the beginning of a new chapter and I'm now happy to offer you this outstanding sound & light healing experience with my crystal bowls and breathing practices!

Damien & Annie

This is the accumulated result of what I have learn over the past +10 years, a convergence of my technological skills and mediation practice I have developed over the years.
It connects sound healing frequencies, chakras, light, color, sacred geometry, handcrafting, technology, mindfulness, breathing and meditation together to offer you a unique experience!
I have always believe we can achieve bigger&greater by consciously merging different domains together.✨

Damien Dando

What they said

Follow me on @egeirocreations and @vanfreedompath to know all events where I will be offering this unique experience and soon more!
Are you up to co-create events or collaborate together in some way? Welcome to reach out.