I aim to inpire others by pushing creativity beyond limits and living life beyond norms.
I like to remind myself and others that the only real limits are the ones we put ourselves.
Start believe in your dreams because this is the first step to make them come true!

My van
In summer 2021, I got my first own vehicle - a van - and started the conversion right away!
That happened to be a perfect opportunity to express my various creativity skills and I'm excited to share some of those with you!
I will primarily focus on what I consider unusual or what I haven't seen else where.
🔧 Website in construction, more content coming soon! 🔧

About me
I'm Damien from France and living in Sweden at the moment.
I eventually quit my full time job in 2020 to step further out of the matrix, live life more fully and express more who I truly am!
I don't always know what is the next step but I know the best is yet to come!
Follow my adventures on @vanfreedompath

My creations
I have been building and creating with my hands since my childhood. I like to play and merge the handcraft and technology skills I have developed over the years to make standing out creations.
I offer special vanlife creations to customize your van and guess what!? Those creations are even made in my van!

Vanlife is about pushing beyonds the limits of what is possible&imaginable!
Checkout my VanFreedomShop shop to get amazing customized items and support my journey on the way!
➡️ The VanFreedomShop ⬅️
Beside those few special vanlife items, you can see the rest of my creations on my Egeiro Creations webshop
All creations are entirely made by myself.
To push this futher I have also built the CNC-machine I use to do my creations making it an example of conscious use of technology
... and showing you that our manifestation and creation abilities are limitless!

Chakra balancing with a unique Sound healing & Light experience
A session to reharmonize the energy flow through your chakras.
2023 is the beginning of a new chapter and I'm now happy to offer you this outstanding experience with crystal bowls and this light system I have just developed and built!
Soon coming...
🔧 Website in construction, more content coming soon! 🔧
There is a lot more I wanna share but I always have more ideas than available time.
✨Nevertheless, be sure, I will soon publish more magic and inspiring things you probably never seen before!✨